2023 Regional Administrative Committee Chair (RACC) elections

Elections for the Regional Administrative Committee Chairman (RACC) will be conducted the year before the Olympic Games. Elections are to be completed by May 15th and term of office begins July 1st. They shall serve for four (4) years.

CLICK HERE for the nomination form.


  • March 1st – Deadline: Call for nominations must be posted to regional & national websites
  • April 1st – Deadline: All nominations must be submitted to NACC
  • April 15th
    • Candidates resume deadline
    • NACC sends WDPD slate of nominees + resume for each candidate
  • April 30th – Memberships must be valid to vote
  • May 1st – Voting to begin at usagym.org
  • May 15th – Voting to take place online
    • NACC to notify all candidates no later than 1 week after completion of election
  • July 1st – 2023-2024 RACC term begins

March 1st: Call for nominations must be published and/or posted online for a minimum of one month prior to the submission deadline of April 1st. Nominations for the position of RACC to be sent to the National Administrative Committee Chairman (NACC).

  • April 1st – 15th: NACC must verify that each nominee meets the criteria for nomination, has agreed to run, understands the job requirements, and has submitted a brief resume (no more than 300 words, no photos).
  • April 15th: Candidate resume due

April 15th: NACC electronically sends to the Women’s Development Program Director the name, city and state and the resume of each candidate in a Microsoft Word document.

  • If a region does not need to conduct an election because there is only one candidate, that information is also to be sent to the Women’s Development Program Director.

The official Slate of Nominees for each Region will be posted on the USA Gymnastics website to begin voting by May 1st. The voting will be concluded on May 15th.

  • No limit to the number of nominees per region.
  • Voters can only vote for 1 person for each position
  • Voters can only vote 1 time for each position

The week after May 15th, the NACC will receive all region’s election results by email, including the actual vote counts if any of the candidates wants to know this information. The NACC will notify all the candidates of the election results

If a run-off election is necessary – the Women’s Development Program Director will work with the NACC on the procedures.