Illinois Meet Scheduling
All clubs wishing to host competitions must submit a list of meets following the schedule below. The following procedure will be followed. Until Phase 3 only 1 meet per Club will be awarded. Each meet must fill out the form attached and return it will all information filled out. You will receive an email confirming that we have received your request and also another when it has been okay-ed.
Phase 1 (June 28th – July 8th )
Meets that where on last years calendar same weekend Out and In of gym facility. These meet requests are due back by July 5th. A tentative calendar will be produced and posted on the Illinois Website . Please keep your eye on the Website to see if there are changes to the calendar as to avoid conflicts in meet date due to area and in sufficient number of judges available. These meets are assigned in order of how long at the same weekend. Weekends are based on Saturday.
Phase 2 (July 9 – 18th)
Meets that have: Clubs qualified for Phase one but are changing dates. These meets are due by July 12th.
Phase 3 (July 19 – 28th)
Any club that does not have a meet on the calendar: These meets dates are back by July 28th. A tentative calendar will be produced and posted on the Illinois Website as we receive. Please keep your eye on the Website to see if there are changes to the calendar as to avoid conflicts in meet date due to area and in the sufficient number of judges available.
Phase 4 (July 29 – Aug 12th)
All other meets (2nd-3rd-4th meets, etc.)
All clubs, that had meets placed on the Official Calendar must then request judges filled out online and payment sent 2 weeks following the Meet Scheduling Phase. All meets that have not been requested and paid for by 2 weeks after there Phase will be dropped from the “Official Calendar”
Why this procedure?
Because of the large number of meet requests by Illinois Clubs and the Small number of Judges available at any one weekend the Assignors have had great difficulty assigning meets that came in . Therefore, the meets on the Official Calendar will be assigned judges first. Then, all other meets may receive judges. We are not excluding meets that may be added to the Schedule at a later date, but simply assuring that judges are available to those that followed the procedure.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Norbert and the Illinois State Committee
List of Phase One Meets
2017 – 2018 Judges Assignment Information
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